The manga series Tokyo Revengers is written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. Liden films first broadcasted the anime television series on April 11, 2021. The series spans many genres, with twenty episodes that run about 23 minutes each. These follows the lives of six teenagers, including the title character, Izana, who fights against the others to win back their territory. The series is also quite popular among manga fans because of the fact that Izana is one of the series’ strongest antagonists.
Izana Kurokawa is the leader of Tenjiku
The leader of the Black Dragons and the current President of the Tenjiku, Izana Kurokawa was the 8th Generation Leader of the Black Dragons. She was a powerful woman, and she was capable of commanding people with absolute certainty. She also had the ability to control the strong fighters who followed her, and she even fought against the evil Toman. Her strength and ruthlessness were impressive, but she was still vulnerable to manipulation.
The leader of the Tenjiku, Izana Kurokawa is one of the most powerful women in the world. She has superhuman senses and can predict enemy movements, allowing her to set up a counterattack before they hit each other. Her powerful senses make her an extremely formidable opponent. She also uses her powerful senses to parry Mikey’s nuclear kick, and she is a skilled fighter.
He is the older brother of Emma Sano
The older brother of Emma Sano of the Izona Tokyo revengers is Shinichiro Sano. Emma is the half-sister of Shinichiro and the adopted sister of Izana Kurokawa. She has honey-colored eyes and sandy blonde hair. Her personality is very innocent, but there are some aspects of her character that are unlikable.
He is not related to the Sano family. In fact, he was the son of a Filipino mistress of Izana’s father. Emma’s mother had been dating Shinichiro when she met Izana, and Shinichiro was shocked when Emma slept with him. Shinichiro and Emma became friends, but their relationship never went beyond a joke.
While he was once a kind and gentle soul, he eventually turned into a violent, manipulative, and unloving individual. After losing his brother, Izana became an 8th-generation leader of the Black Dragons, the gang that he helped found. After his brother’s death, Izana fell into depression and created the Tenjiku gang in Yokohama, where he was the sole authority.
He is the founder of the Black Dragon gang
The Black Dragon gang is a legendary motorcycle gang based in Tokyo. It has ruled Japan for generations. In the early part of the manga, the gang remained pure and noble, but the corruption of the ranks and the lack of morale within the ranks led to a downfall. Izana Kurokawa’s son Shion inherited the family business and was given the mission of destroying the Toman boss Manjiro Sano, which ultimately led to the downfall of the entire Black Dragon gang.
The founder of the Black Dragon gang, Shinichiro Sano, is also a famous delinquent. He was the younger brother of Izana, Manjiro, and Emma Sano. The founding leader of the Black Dragons, Shinichiro, died in a tragic accident. Hajime Kokonoi, the former 10th Generation Elite Guard Captain, later joined the gang as the number five.
He has an arbitrary personality
Izana Kurokawa is a member of the Tokyo Revengers. Originally a weak and powerless boy, she has been trying to gain Absolute strength from an early age. She has a very short temper and despises her brothers, especially her younger brother Shinichiro. He is a former member of the Tokyo Manji, but changed his future when he met Shinichiro. Izana has a unique ability to read opponents, and she can predict their movements and plan a counterattack.
Izana’s personality is based on her childhood experiences, especially her hunger for power. She was a very lonely child who aspired to be a god and a powerful person. She is also an alcoholic and had an arbitrary personality, so she was always jealous of those who deserved to be rich and powerful. In the anime, Izana is the leader of the Tenjiku gang, where she also fights Mikey.